A Sequel to my Last Post

When my youngest was in his last year of high school he came to me one day with a big surprise. He said that to end the argument that started with women’s capability to assume major roles in the society, his religion teacher told him that science has proven that women’s brains are less developed than that of men (nigisat 3aql). And that loss of memory is a result of this malfunction. And based on this biological difference God did not allow woman to act as a full witness in court, how do we expect her to assume major roles in the society like being a judge for instance? God had not intended that. And my son was astounded to learn that this fact was known by Moslems almost a millennium and a half ago. Another miracles of Islam; as he put it. I advised him to google that before going any further with his wishful thinking, if he really cared to know whether science really proved this theory or not. And like most of our lazy youths today who are grown on ready-made-answers, he tilted his head to a side for a while in hesitation, tried to persuade me into changing my opinion. But finally he gave up when we reached an impasse. I assumed at the time that he never did google it, and that he just took his teacher’s word . Don’t we all do that? After all, officially; he’s the teacher. And like his peers; my son has to memorized his teacher’s words by heart, or else, failing religion would be an obstacle in the way of perusing his dreams in life. But I guess I assumed wrong, children do act funny at times.
Just few months back, when he started school here in the United States, and while we were discussing the difference between education in the States and back home; he reminded me of that incident and he told me that he actually googled that out, and that he could not find one, solid scientific evidence that the difference between men and women’s brains has any significance on brain performance. It is true that women’s brains are smaller in size in comparison to that of the man (and not less developed or naqis as Islam claims), and it is also true that women’s brains contain more cells which is a known fact now . But until now; there is not one proof that memory loss is solely dependant on gender type. The argument on which the whole role-playing of gender according to Islamic society and sharee3a is based has proven wrong, he agreed. But that was not the surprise.
The shock came from the military training that is going on behind closed doors from the people that we trust so much to leave our kids brains in their hands. Apparently my son told his teacher about his Net search, and instead of debating the subject, or showing evidence, the teacher insisted to lie, diverting the conversation to “how the Net is driven by the enemies of Islam, and how as a Moslem, my son has the responsibility to refute any claims of which the infidels and the evil West deliberately use to inflict harm on Islam”. He specifically asked him to monitor those sites and refute their claims, and all what he needed as canned answers were ready at his disposal; he only had to ask. Not only that, but the teacher mentioned this in the next scheduled class in front of the whole class, and added by even going into details; like if someone says so and so, you should answer him, such and such!!!!!Off course my son did not tell him what his mom thought, let alone telling him that I have a blog that is not exactly admired by Islamists. He knew beforehand that this would be like digging his grave with his own hands.
Military training and policing the public, especially the ones in the age of naivety, is one of the most dangerous tools the Islamists are using to create natural espionages in the society; a society that is well monitored from their point of view and according to their standards. Look at some blogs Like Ben Krishan’s or Nawafco who, according to their standards, have crossed the boarders, and see how much hate messages some comments contain, and how many Islamists drew their swards and shouted in readiness to go on a refutation battle, some even started their own blogs specifically for this reason. Not that they have much to say, but rather always come up with exhausted, ready-made answers that were used by others several times, only with a different make-up. Most probably, the source goes back to the same of that of the teacher. Which reminds me of the Islamic tradition (7adeath), by the way, and the way it was collected.
Military training and policing the public creates a generation of informers, much like the one created by the tyrant Sadam Husain.
Military training and policing the public creates hate in the family; any freethinking is not permitted in the family. We have seen how that divided families during the tyrant’s regime in Iraq and what’s happening now is the aftermath of such training.
Military training and policing plant hate in the society and kills free thought.

We have all been military trained; it’s within the very preaching of our faith. Islam has to guarantee that to survive. For whatever was based on false grounds can’t survive for long. But it changed some of us to a bunch of warriors, who have nothing more important in life than defending Islam. They are too busy finding excuses for its shortcoming that they don’t even take a break, and think if the person has something to say. Or; how come he’s thinking differently? all what they care about is to hit him with an answer, being relevant here is not an issue. You may call it brainwashing; but that’s a part of military training, just like those of any communist regime.
Military training of the public deprives human from their humanity; and now with the aid of our blessed parliament, and the passing of the most discriminatory bill in our constitutional history, even worse than gender segregation in Kuwait university, the stage is complete and ready for Islamic policing. And btw; I will never forget this for Alangiree.

On a related note
My post started as a comment on Edrak, but truly I did not know where to start. Actually Edrak’s comments on my previous post reminded me of the conversation with my son, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he’s even younger than my son. He seems very well to be one of those Islamic little soldiers who have been (directly or indirectly) monitoring the Net; for sure his Islamic military training is not much different from that of my son. No offence Edrak; you are but a prey of this sick society. It is amazing how my stats counter shoots up every time I post something about Islam. My last post did not contain any anti-Islamic sentence, except may be when I mentioned an Islamic fact that provoked Mr. Edrak to open his fires on me. He raised his sward against the shameful, secular me and asked for a duel. And here I accept the competition, not as a duel, but as a general debate. Open to all of those holey solders that are looking for more deeds to deposit in their afterlife bank accounts. But I really wish that you’d stick to the subject and not divert if you have answers, and I also advise you not to go back to the dealers of canned answers, because I won’t be hiding a secret if I told you that they are selling you nothing but expired sardines.
The point of debate between Edrak and me takes me back to square one with my son. And I ask him (Edrak) the same questions that I asked my son:
-Did science prove that women’s brains are less developed than that of men?
-Does the biological difference between genders have any effect on memory? And in what way? Is it responsible for memory loss? Or perhaps gain? Could it be that the increase in the cell is responsible for sharper memory?
-If this biological difference causes memory loss in women in comparison to man; then give me the evidence? And please make sure that your evidence is solid. As far as I know; most women have far sharper memories than men. Some women can even remember little details of their childhood years while a lot of men can’t even remember what they had for lunch the day before. In general; details bore most men, while it delights most women. But if the argument above is false, then there is no bases on which women should act like half a witness in court. In the contrary; it seems to me that they are more liable than men to witness since they are better with details.
And this leads us to believe that the whole argument of role-playing of gender in the Islamic society, and the incapability of women to assume major roles, are based on false grounds. In other words the social system of alsharee3a is rusted, and was based on a theory that was created on the name of God but science defied. And still those little solders insist to tell me WHY women’s brain is still under construction, in other words, giving me reasons why God had created women with less brains, taking for granted that this is a scientific fact.
Quit fooling yourselves, and stop torturing women on the name of God.

Note; please refer to the comments of the last post, since this is a sequel 🙂

34 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Trackback: Monday - WordPress PoliSci « oldephartteintraining
  2. Edrak
    Jun 12, 2007 @ 05:20:52

    Dear Ayya

    thanks again for trying to degrade me again and thats not something unfamiliar from you by now. I am used to be called names and islamist and holy soldier, seems funny that a debate must be breaken even and spoken in an elegant sequence, yet you still try to mock in some way or another. I will not refute that since i dont see anything worth replying.
    Stop the propaganda and try to bare with me on this and talk about the main topic we all know you`re the mock queen who squashes anyone with her funny comments. For that i will not reply since its irrelevant.

    First of all.

    Yes im honored to defend Islam, and if you again think that we are wasting our time and we are trying to fill up these banks then why are you talking about it ? 3al 3emoom mo moshkila i`ll try to deal with this complicated reasoning of things.

    you said:

    We have all been military trained; it’s within the very preaching of our faith. Islam has to guarantee that to survive. For whatever was based on false grounds can’t survive for long

    First of all, if you wanna refer to something to Islam try to refer from the sources of Islam that interpreted it. like ibn kather said or al tabarey said etc .. since i dont recall the name of sheikha Ayya ..

    you said:

    But it changed some of us to a bunch of warriors, who have nothing more important in life than defending Islam. They are too busy finding excuses for its shortcoming that they don’t even take a break, and think if the person has something to say. Or; how come he’s thinking differently? all what they care about is to hit him with an answer, reliveance here is not an issue

    you mean relevance ? wela shino? im gonna assume that it is .. are you trying to argue your point and answer them by yourself ? it seems that you`re debating with a mirror.

    you said:

    advise you not to go back to the dealers of canned answers, because I won’t be hiding a secret if I told you that they are selling you nothing but expired sardines

    if i refer to the mughal mahal ganitor thats up to me and i dont think thats your decision. Again trying to give me a solution and answer it by yourself.
    Please stick to your own thesis and i`ll care for my resources, beleive me i dont go back to anyone, yet i dont try to understand everything as i wish . i try to take the best out of it from others and then rationalize it. We call it Qeyas and ejtehad. I dont care how you debate and what are your resources, either you discuss the topic at hand and stop interfering with my age and how am suppossed to think .. we had enough terrorisim in all its aspects.

    لا يوجد علاقة بين نقص الشهادة و اكتمال العقل او نقصانه الا اذا كان الشاهد اصلا سفيه او مجنون و هنا عزيزتي فالنقص صفة موصوف و ليس انتقاص ولا اعلم ما الذي لا تفهمينه هنا ؟ فأنا عندما اقول ينقصكي بعض الخبر قبل رحيلك الشاليه فهل انا انتقص منك ؟ لا بل انا اصف حالة نقص فيك و بما انك من فطاحلة اللغة العربي ارينا كيف تؤلين ما كتبت …
    Did science prove that women’s brains are less developed than that of men?

    I dont recall Science said that .. and i dont recall Islam said that .. its the teacher with your kid who said it and your the one implying it, try to find more reliable sources eventhough i should`nt reply yet its a must because of the way you address your oponnents in such an unmannered way.

    pumpkin, take this from me the KID 🙂 what does memory loss has to do with this topic ? your talking about an islamic verse said by Propheth mohammed PBUH and now you say memory loss oo scientific facts … and basically what your basing your ideas on is from a moron who taught you son or lil brother and told him that gibberish … So why should me or Islam take that on our shoulders?

    then you say:

    And still those little solders insist to tell me WHY women’s brain is still under construction

    عفوا اتكلم اغريقي ؟
    Give me a break ! try to speak like an adult

    try to ask questions that are meant to be answered and that specified. Moreover, trying to talk your way out of it is not working, there is no game theory here, neither will it be.


  3. Alia
    Jun 12, 2007 @ 11:25:43

    Well said ayya

    Those religion teachers are destroying our kid’s brains … من وين ييبونهم؟
    on a – not really – different subject

    في تحقيق للقبس اليوم حول مقولة “الرجل شايل عيبه” وإذا كانت اعتقاد خاطئ أم شي مسلم به

    علق أحد الأشخاص قائلا
    أن المرأة تفعل ما تريد وتقول انها حرية شخصية متناسية ان الرجل هو الشخص الوحيد الذي يمتك الحرية الشخصية

    وآنا متأكدة 100% لو سألته وليش المرأة مالها حرية شخصية .. راح يقول لانها ناقصة عقل ودين

    جملة درسوها وشربوها وانزعت في مخهم منذ الصغر


  4. Alia
    Jun 12, 2007 @ 11:26:27



  5. kila_ma6goog
    Jun 12, 2007 @ 12:42:01


    لونج تايم

    بالنسبة للموضوع فأنا شوي نظرتي تختلف , يعني لو نراجع و نشوف معاملة كافة الاديان و المعتقدات السابقة للمرأة – بما فيها الأديان الغير سماوية كالفراعنة و الاغريق و الرومان – فسنكتشف انها كلها تعامل المرأة كمخلوق أقل من الرجل

    و بعضها يساويها بالعبيد

    نعم الاسلام ربما لم يساويها تماما بالرجل , لكنه أيضا لم يهينها بشكل واضح أو مباشر

    و على مستوى الاختلافات الفسيلوجية – ما اعرف معنى الكلمة – فهناك كتب تشرح كيفية اختلاف تفكير و تصرفات المرأة عن الرجل و منها الكتب المشهورة لجون جراي

    men from mars women from venus

    و هناك سلسلة أخى أيضا قرأتها للزوجين بيتس

    why men lie and why women cant read maps

    اذا كان العنوان مختلف قليلا لا تلوموني لأني ناسي العنوان بالضبط بس موجودين بأمازون

    فيمكن أتت قصة الفروقات في الاسلام اتجاه المراة من هالباب و ليس من باب انحطاطها و أقليتها امام الرجل

    و مشكورة على سعة الصدر


  6. brainless
    Jun 12, 2007 @ 13:22:58

    Great post , I loved the way you expressed your ideas in this post yet u were repeating many phrases in a way or another ,,,

    Does size matter ??

    don’t go far :p ,, i don’t care actually ,,, Acts is what i care about ,, as u said many women took responsibilty when the men were lazy or afraid to take it ,,, many girls are interested in gucci bags and lipsticks ,, lot’s of boys r spoilt ,,, u don’t need big brain to understand facts of life we hardly use it actually i want to loose some of it bercause it’s bainful to see our lifes and how these closed minded poeple r controlling our lifes ,, islam ?? not only islam ,, it’s the mixture between islam and traditons that kills !!

    don’t bother , they r arguing not because they want you to be like them ,, they think by doing this they will increase thier bank account of hasanat in your expense ,, if anybody comes to me with thier 1500 years idea i would say no thank u u will not get hasanat from me ( like there is such thing )

    P.s: sorry for my bad english , shensawi 7okoma :p


  7. NewMe
    Jun 12, 2007 @ 15:32:37

    @ Ayya & Brainless
    صح السانكم


  8. AyyA
    Jun 15, 2007 @ 05:26:10

    First, I’m sorry if you found any of the above personally offensive to you, I honestly did not have this intention in mind when I wrote the post, I’m just disgusted with the system, which you, as well as I, are victims of its shortcomings. In any way; I will try to ignore the sum of personal insults you included in your comment and consider them reactive ones, and just try to answer what I see worthy to enrich the subject. And don’t worry about changing the subject, I’m the owner of this blog and it’s my responsibility to keep the subject from going offshore, so don’t worry.

    “Yes im honored to defend Islam, and if you again think that we are wasting our time and we are trying to fill up these banks then why are you talking about it ? 3al 3emoom mo moshkila i`ll try to deal with this complicated reasoning of things.”

    I talk about it and criticize it because it has a vital affect on my personal life. Once religion stops getting into my business, I would not bother. Let me give you an example; if as a Kuwaiti citizen I can have a lovely summer in my country without the fear of the shortage of electricity and water, if the government’s plans are set to guarantee the security of my children, and if all my other needs as a citizen are met, would I bother to criticize the government?
    Religion engulfs the masses under its one form of thought. And it is vital, for a religion to survive, that individuality of thought is diminished under one doctrine for the supposedly benefit of the masses. Any deviation from this rule is forbidden, and any thought beyond what is taught to the herd is taboo. In other words; religion is far more dangerous than corrupted politics, yet it is not permitted to be criticized!!!! Red lines should be drawn!!!! Why? If you think because it’s sacred, I do not. And here is our conflict. Like politics or any other subject, so long religion is politicized and socialized, and keeps interfering in every hole in the walls of our lives, then it should not be immune to criticism. Others and me will continue to talk about it, and will continue to denounce it like others before us who did.
    “First of all, if you wanna refer to something to Islam try to refer from the sources of Islam that interpreted it. like ibn kather said or al tabarey said etc .. since i dont recall the name of sheikha Ayya ..”
    I thought we’re already finished with that, and that I already presented a verse of Quran and one tradition, but never mind; I will copy-paste them here again, and I hope Brainless would excuse my repetition because it seems like sometimes it is necessary.

    “واستَشْهدوا شهيدين من رِجالِكم فإن لم يكونا رَجُلَيْن فرَجُلٌ وامرأتان مِمَّن تَرضَوْن من الشُّهداء أنْ تَضِلَّ إحداهما فَتُذَكِّرَ إحداهما الأخرى… (البقرة: 282).
    روى الإمام مسلم رحمه الله في صحيحه في باب الإيمان عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: “يا مَعْشرَ النساء تَصَدَّقْنَ وأكْثِرْن الاستغفار، فإني رأيُتكُنَّ أكثر أهل النار. فقالت امرأة منهن جَزْلة: وما لنا يا رسول الله أكثرُ أهل النار؟ قال: تُكْثِرْنَ اللَّعن، وتَكْفُرْنَ العشير، وما رأيت من ناقصاتِ عقلٍ ودين أغلبَ لذي لبٍّ مِنْكُن. قالت يا رسول الله وما نقصانُ العقل والدين؟ قال: أما نُقصانُ العقل فشهادة امرأتين تعْدِلُ شهادةَ رَجُل، فهذا نقصان العقل، وتَمكثُ الليالي ما تُصلي، وتُفطر في رمضان، فهذا نقصان الدين. ومعنى الجَزْلة أي ذات العقل والرأي والوقار، وتَكْفُرْنَ العشير أي تُنكرن حق الزوج”

    I would like to ask you; on what bases did sharee3a discriminate between genders in the inheritance for instance, or witnessing in court, or why is punishment for men more severe than women in the case of converting one’s religion (riddah) if you say that Islam never claimed that women’s brains are less than that of the man? How do you explain that?

    ” فالنقص صفة موصوف و ليس انتقاص”
    اقول .. انت من صجك؟


  9. AyyA
    Jun 15, 2007 @ 05:42:03

    Elgaliya Alia
    This sentence dear did not come from void. The teachers are only presenting what their master Mohammad has preached. If some Moslems are skeptic about tradition, 99.99% believe that Quran is infallible, and unfortunately; it is the words of Quran that indirectly confirms such belief, tradition came later only to explain it.


  10. AyyA
    Jun 15, 2007 @ 05:47:23

    Lik wa7sha ya wallah 😉
    فيمكن أتت قصة الفروقات في الاسلام اتجاه المراة من هالباب و ليس من باب انحطاطها و أقليتها امام الرجل

    This is the whole issue; why should this discrimination be based on physiological difference? What is the reason if the physiological difference has no significance on brain performance?


  11. AyyA
    Jun 15, 2007 @ 05:49:50

    Whoever told you that size does not matter and that it’s the motion of the ocean that counts, has fooled you 😉


  12. AyyA
    Jun 15, 2007 @ 05:50:49

    Sa7 ibdinich.
    Missed you girl :*


  13. bosale7
    Jun 15, 2007 @ 19:32:07

    العزيزة ايا

    انا توصلت لقناعة وياريت تاخذين وقت وتنظرين فيها

    اي واحد من المتحمسين لعقيدة اي كانت …هل بعد النقاش والاستدلال والبينة على قصور عقيدته راح يجرا يقول انه كان على خطا ويعترف بالادلة والاثباتات ولا لأ ؟
    النقاش مع ذوي القناعات المعلبة عمره ما كان مفيد
    النتيجة النهائية اللي بتطلعين فيها من النقاش مع هالنوعية هي اسماء جديدة بدون فهم

    تحياتي ودعواتي القلبية بمحاورة مثيرة غير مجدية


  14. AyyA
    Jun 15, 2007 @ 20:26:12

    You are damn right.


  15. a friend
    Jun 15, 2007 @ 21:38:55

    Dear edrak, please bro, la tlif weddoor, just answer the questions:


    -Did science prove that women’s brains are less developed than that of men?

    -Does the biological difference between genders have any effect on memory? And in what way? Is it responsible for memory loss?
    Or perhaps gain? Could it be that the increase in the cell is responsible for sharper memory?

    -If this biological difference causes memory loss in women in comparison to man; then give me the evidence? And please make sure that your evidence is solid


    straight to the point please, ma nabi takhbee9 minni o minnaak.. sheikha Ayya madree shino.. khliik min hal 7achi.. jawib wellee 3afeek, and I’d rather seeing you type in arabic, you seem much better at it, and you can deliver your thoughts better, we all can read it.. cos you are loosing in translation..

    and most importantly, no copy past from el montadayaat.. we can always rely on google to check if you copied it from other forums, cos that’s what most do when they panic. 🙂



  16. soud13
    Jun 16, 2007 @ 19:58:13

    u have been Tagged 🙂


  17. AyyA
    Jun 16, 2007 @ 21:11:28

    Thanks bro, even though I don’t like tagging, but I love my friends
    و انت تامر


  18. Farid
    Jun 18, 2007 @ 01:53:30

    Sure… Kick the Muslim when he’s down.

    Anyways: http://jop.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/19/4/375

    Google –> PMS and memory loss… You’ll find that a lot of research has proven a connection between the two.

    I’m not doubting your son’s googling skills, but I’m sure it has something to do with not knowing exactly what to search for.

    Edrak: Stay strong.

    Unbelievers: May Allah guide you all… and don’t quit your day jobs.


  19. AyyA
    Jun 18, 2007 @ 07:30:09

    The link you provided does not give the comparison between men and woman’s brain performance. Rather, it compares women’s brain function during the premenstrual period to that of after ministration. It was also conducted on women with those complaints “in the current study we investigated changes in memory functions in the premenstrual phase compared to the early postmenstrual phase in 16 women with premenstrual complaints.”
    As you may know, these complaints are due to hormone changes during PMS. Yet, we also know that these symptoms change in severity from one woman to another, not only that; but it also changes from one month to another for the same woman. However; all these symptoms are not of that significance to deprive her from assuming her duty.


  20. Farid
    Jun 18, 2007 @ 11:28:26

    “The link you provided does not give the comparison between men and woman’s brain performance. Rather, it compares women’s brain function during the premenstrual period to that of after ministration.”

    I don’t know if you’re just tossing out every defense you got to save face or if you’re really serious with that response.

    The article plainly states that women that are “PMS-ing” have memory problems each month. This is a scientific fact. Men, on the otherhand, don’t PMS, therefore, they are immune to memory problems due to PMS.

    “However; all these symptoms are not of that significance to deprive her from assuming her duty.”

    “Yet, we also know that these symptoms change in severity from one woman to another”

    So even if the symptoms were extremely severe it still wouldn’t deprive a women “from assuming her duty…?” =)


  21. AyyA
    Jun 18, 2007 @ 13:38:21

    “I don’t know if you’re just tossing out every defense you got to save face or if you’re really serious with that response.”
    No, I’m serious, if you have any other link, please do provide it.
    “The article plainly states that women that are “PMS-ing” have memory problems each month. This is a scientific fact. Men, on the otherhand, don’t PMS, therefore, they are immune to memory problems due to PMS.”
    I did not read this in the article. Where does it say that?
    “So even if the symptoms were extremely severe it still wouldn’t deprive a women “from assuming her duty…?” =)”
    We are not talking about specific cases here, we are talking in general. Does a working woman, say a doctor or an engineer, abandon her official duty when she is PMSing?
    Now, I’m not going to argue further about that link. Let’s look at something closer to home. If you take government high school grades as a benchmark, almost every year girls in Kuwait have more percentage of success than boys. And if you know that our system deals mostly with memorization, then you’d know why. In general; little girls are known to have better verbal abilities than little boys (parents know that), and that type of expertise requires a sharper memory and not less.
    What does our reality tell us though? Does a woman surgeon refuse to operate for instance because she is PMSing? Or a teacher takes a week off because she can’t remember what to teach? What kind of logic is this?

    Keep telling a smart guy that he’s dumb, and eventually, he’ll become one. And sadly; that is exactly what Islam has done to women; it has psychologically ruined her.


  22. Farid
    Jun 18, 2007 @ 22:12:33

    “In general; little girls are known to have better verbal abilities than little boys (parents know that), and that type of expertise requires a sharper memory and not less.”

    I agree, more or less.

    I did another search and found out that mild iron deficiencies in women and menopause also cause memory problems. Let’s not forget PMS.

    “Does a woman surgeon refuse to operate for instance because she is PMSing? Or a teacher takes a week off because she can’t remember what to teach?”

    Women who work as surgeons can always rely on their co-workers if they forgot something. Teachers have their notes. Witnesses usually only rely on their memories.

    “Keep telling a smart guy that he’s dumb, and eventually, he’ll become one. And sadly; that is exactly what Islam has done to women; it has psychologically ruined her.”

    Yes, I’m sure that Islam preached about women having weak memories so much that women started to forget things more often…


  23. AyyA
    Jun 19, 2007 @ 00:40:46

    “I did another search and found out that mild iron deficiencies in women and menopause also cause memory problems. Let’s not forget PMS.”
    True; yet, this is not sufficient as “The main Factor” for memory impairment. Not even an adequate reason to believe that women’s brains at older age are less functional than that of men in their cognitive abilities. Here is a site I found while searching; notice that from 24 factors, you chose PMSing and menopause, which are still a point of controversy between scientists themselves. Most do agree that much more research has to be done in this field to be sure. Factors that were ignored before like social and cultural stresses, specifically on women (this stress is much more severe on Moslem women), or the fact that women usually live longer than men have to be included. Therefore; basing a study on just comparing numbers should not be accurate if these factors and others were not included. And I will add here that religious factors also should be included. Some Moslem women, for example, are so brainwashed that they themselves strive for less rights and defend it on the name of Islam, while there guts tell them that they have not been fairly justified, especially with the social laws of sharee3a.

    In a nutshell; there is no reason for women to be deprived from their rights based on their biological or physiological differences, especially in this time and age, which are btw natural; Hormones in both genders have the basic role of reproduction, while role-playing was based on the culture of the hunter-gatherer. As for Islam; the harsh environment of the desert, and its life style enforced such system at the time of the prophet, but not in our time and age, where history attests that women are not less capable than man when it comes to success (I’m assuming that memory is a vital factor here) but rather; she had faced more problems to get there, compared to the red carpeted floors that has always been laid under men’s feet.


  24. AyyA
    Jun 19, 2007 @ 01:11:30

    there guts=their guts


  25. Farid
    Jun 19, 2007 @ 14:53:36

    “True; yet, this is not sufficient as “The main Factor” for memory impairment.”

    My intention was never to find the main factor for memory impairment. I’m just pointing out that there are factors that only exist in women and not men that would cause for memory problems to happen.

    “Not even an adequate reason to believe that women’s brains at older age are less functional than that of men in their cognitive abilities.”

    Are you arguing that an average woman with memory problems has a stronger memory than an average man without any?

    Anyways, I think that I’ve done my share of research into this. I’m also pretty sure that we’re not going to agree with each other.

    Is there anyone else here with an objective opinion that they’d like to share?


  26. AyyA
    Jun 20, 2007 @ 11:36:09

    “Are you arguing that an average woman with memory problems has a stronger memory than an average man without any?”

    Not really; what I’m suggesting is that what you called as memory problem is relative to the woman herself and not as a comparison to another man of the same age. I’e; intelligence and good memory differ from one person to another (and not dependant on gender). Let me give you an example; a woman in her fifties may not have as sharp memory as when she is in her twenties, but that does not mean that she is less capable than a man of the same age. The same woman might even challenge a guy in his twenties. In other words; the factor that you are providing is irrelevant. I hope you do get what I mean.


  27. Farid
    Jun 20, 2007 @ 12:00:38

    I do.

    Once again, I’d rather just let the objective readers decide who is right after carefully examining both of our claims.


  28. anony
    Jun 21, 2007 @ 02:48:25

    ayya makes more sense bro.. you are just arguing for the sake of arguing.. and what proved it is what you said when you talked to edrak, stay strong.. stay strong? what kinda crap is that? you were trying to deffend just cos it’s islam.. so I say.. stay strong farid. stay strong.. lol

    and as bin kraishan said (PBUH)

    أختاه.. انه لزاما عليك ان ترفضي مطلقا ما يكررونه عليك مهما كان ولو تقيئوا كل ماعلفوه من اقوال السلف والسنه واحكام الشرع . أصري على انسانيتك ومساواتك في الحقوق أولا وقبل كل شيء. قاوميهم بلسانك فأن لم تستطيعي، فبالانترنيت فأن لم تستطيعي فبقلبك ، وذلك اضعف الايمان..لا تصدقين قولهم ان الاسلام كرمك ، فالقول لا يغني عن الفعل وافعالهم تفضحهم. ولاتصدقيهم حين يكذبون بأنك ضعيفة جسميا وعاطفيا لأن الله خلقك هكذا، فهم من صور لك ذلك ..و كرروه حتى الغثيان. ان العدالة هي المساواه وليست بالتفرقه والعنصريه، في الخمسينيات من القرن الماضي كان البيض في الولايات المتحده يدعون ان الرجل الاسود لا يستطيع ان يكون ذكيا مثل الرجل الابيض لأن الله خلقه هكذا، ان كان ذلك تفرقه عنصريه، فما يقوله لك الفقهاء اليوم ،هو التفرقه الجنسيه


  29. Farid
    Jun 21, 2007 @ 03:15:01

    “you were trying to deffend just cos it’s islam..”

    Nothing gets past you, does it?
    “ayya makes more sense bro.. you are just arguing for the sake of arguing.. and what proved it is what you said when you talked to edrak, stay strong..”

    Wait a minute here… So saying “say strong” makes my arguments completely irrelevant strictly because I’m biased?
    “stay strong? what kinda crap is that? you were trying to deffend just cos it’s islam.. so I say.. stay strong farid. stay strong.. lol”

    This was too easy… Gah! It almost pains me to let you get away being all proud after making a mockery out of the oppresive backwards evil-doing Muslim (myself).

    All I have to say for now is: Thanks for the words of encouragement.
    “قاوميهم بلسانك فأن لم تستطيعي، فبالانترنيت فأن لم تستطيعي فبقلبك ، وذلك اضعف الايمان..”

    Bin Kraishan, an advocate of open mindedness publicly mocks the prophet of a fifth of the world’s population. How mature!

    I really advise you to grow up.


  30. AyyA
    Jun 21, 2007 @ 09:09:11

    And I advise you to read this


  31. Edrak
    Jun 21, 2007 @ 13:40:06

    I wrote 3 times and it got deleted !!! this is frustrating .. i spent one hour writing and eveyrthing got lost … how can i avoid this in the future ?!?!


  32. Edrak
    Jun 21, 2007 @ 13:50:52

    يقول شكسبير

    المهزوم إذا ابتسم , أفقد المنتصر لذة الفوز

    is this why most of you laugh always and act as comedians ?

    i will stop here agueing until you have sufficient knowledge in arabic language.

    a friend…

    So i copy paste now ? and ayya makes sense ? and im the ignorant who mocked ayya by saying sheikha ? oo ana eley alef oo adoor ?

    If you were someone seeking truth i wont mind spending much more time but it appears that thats the case .. being a cheerleader and acting like a comedian doesn`t help your cause it only undermines it. Secondly, what i wrote is pure english or is there other versions of english am not aware of ?

    ثاني شيء اذا كانت الأخت تفسر القرأن كما يحلو لها و لم تتمكن من اللغة العربية بحيث انها تستطيع ان تفهم القرأن فكيف لي ان اتناقش مع من لا يفهم الأبجديات ؟

    اقول لها ما يقوله علم البيان و شرح التفسير ماذا يعني ترد علي و تقول ” انت من صجك ” .. انت قل لي هل هذه ردود شخص يريد ان يفهم او يحاور بطريقة علمية ؟

    هذا اهدار للوق و ضياع جهد سيذهب ارداج الرياح و دخولي هنا بسبب انني اعتقدت بأن الحوار سيكون عقلاني و محايد .. و لكن الملحد الغربي ليس كالملحد العربي الذي عادة ما تجد لديه الانتقام و الحقد دافع بعكس الغربي الذي يجد العلم و الحقيقة دافع و محرك اقوى ليفهم الحياة و لذا تجد الحوار معه اهدى و أعقل ..

    تمنياتي لكم بما تريدون


  33. a friend
    Jun 21, 2007 @ 19:01:14

    just asnwer the freaking questions god damn it


  34. Farid
    Jun 21, 2007 @ 19:42:10

    In an earlier post you’ve said, “In general; little girls are known to have better verbal abilities than little boys (parents know that), and that type of expertise requires a sharper memory and not less.”

    My reply was that “I agree, more or less.”

    Generally, women do have sharper memories. I don’t see the relevence of your link since I’ve already established that I agreed with you.


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