Infidel/ Review

Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Let me first introduce the book then tell you my own opinion about it. And the best introduction, I believe, is to quote some of of the author’s writings to avoid any misunderstanding. The book consists of 335 pages, hard cover, and was published in 2007. It is a personal memoir in which the author is introduced as:
“Ayyan Haris Ali was born in Somalia, was raised Muslim, and spent her childhood and young adulthood in Africa and Saudi Arabia. In 1992, Haris Ali came to Netherlands as a refugee, escaping a forced marriage to a distant cousin she had never met. She learned Dutch and worked as an interpreter in abortion clinics and shelters for battered women. After earning her college degree in political science, she worked for the Labor party. She denounced Islam after the September 11 terrorist attacks and now fights for the rights of Moslem women in Europe, the enlightenment of Islam, and security in the West”
The author declares that the main purpose of her book is to free Moslem women living in Western societies from the bonds that still enslaved them to their culture, of which most was stemmed from their Islamic upbringing. She also reminds them that they are living in a free world where a human has a value, unlike what they were used to in the countries they migrated from. She promotes full integration into the new society in which they sought refuge from their unjust countries.
This may sound like a feminist movement, yet, it’s not. Ayaan believes that if this integration was possible, tribalism can be diminished, prejudice can be eliminated, and slavery can be abolished for good.

This reminds me of years back when I first came to the United States. And precisely when I moved to Tennessee after I got married. It astonished me then that neither my husband, nor his Moslem friends had any American friends although they spent a considerable time in the States. When I asked why? They replied that Tennesseans are rednecks, they hate strangers. But after living there for a while I was able to make a lot of friends. And to my surprise I found that those rednecks were no different than the warm loving Arabs. They won’t approach strangers, but when you get to befriend them, they are more than family. I was barely a teenager when I got married, and I got pregnant while I was still studying in an Engineering school, which demanded a lot of hard work, and consumed most of my time. My husband also had a two acre house, which was very hard to maintain without the help of maids. And like a typical Kuwaiti, my husband never helped around the house. Not only that, but he constantly brought friends over and made a mess that I had to clean every night I came back from college. Yet, my redneck friends were always there for me, they babysat for me, helped me around the house, and were great company when I was alone, which was most of the time. They even planted my garden. This experience made me realize that it was us who did not like strangers, and not them. It was us who refused to integrate, not them. When my dad came for my graduation, he was surprised that wherever I went people greeted me, while that was not the case with my husband.

Ayaan realized this issue very wittingly, and her efforts to advocate integration is genuine, based on a personal experience. Moslems who migrated to the West demanded that they bring their cultures with them. They have their own schools (madrasas); the soil for instilling tribalism and terrorism in generations to come. They are caved in their own secluded communities, and demanding their own courts of Shareea, on the excuse of freedom. Freedom concept which they utterly handicapped, and from which they eluded their own unjust societies. Female Genital Mutilation is still practiced on kitchen tables without the knowledge of the authorities. Women are beaten by their husbands without the interference of the law, simply because women themselves do not dare to file cases for the fear of Allah. Honor killing is committed without being categorized in police stations as such. Western authorities know this but give it a blind eye for the fear of being labeled as racists. Muslims roar the streets with Islamophobia propaganda with the slightest interference of just law. Freedom of speech is threatened by barbaric murder. In Ayaan’s own words:
“When people say that the values of Islam are compassion, tolerance, and freedom, I look at reality, at real cultures and governments, and I see that it’s simply isn’t so. People in the West swallow this sort of thing because they have learned not to examine the religious or cultures of minorities too critically, for the fear of being called racist. It fascinates them that I am not afraid to do so.”
And pay attention that these are the words of a member of the parliament of Holland who worked hard to instill those beliefs.
Ayaan also had a hidden message to all Muslims of the world, she pinpointed that the reason for their backwardness in all life arenas is Islam itself and she backed up her claims with verses of Quran and Hadeath (traditions):
“My central, motivation concern is that women in Islam are oppressed. That oppression of women causes Muslim women and Muslim men, too, to lag behind the West. It creates a culture that generates more backwardness with every generation. It would be better for everyone-for Muslims above all-if this situation could change”
She also noticed that the main source of most Muslim’s deportation of terror in the current century is Saudi Arabia, not overlooking its role in Moslem Brotherhood spread in the world, of which she herself was a member before escaping to Holland:
“Saudi Arabia is the source of Islam and its quintessence. It is the place where the Muslim religion is practiced in its purest form, and it is the origin of much of the fundamentalist vision that has, in my lifetime, spread far beyond its borders. In Saudi Arabia, every breath, every step we took, was infused with concepts of purity or sinning, and with fear. Wishful thinking about the peaceful tolerance of Islam cannot interpret away this reality: hands are still cut off, women still stoned and enslaved, just as the Prophet Mohammad decided centuries ago…the kind of thinking I saw in Saudi Arabia, and among the Muslim Brotherhood in Kenya and Somalia, is incompatible with human rights and liberal values. It preserves a feudal mind-set based on tribal concepts of honor and shame. It rests on self-deception, hypocrisy, and double standards. It relies on the technological advances of the West while pretending to ignore their origin in Western thinking. This mind-set makes transition to modernity very painful for all who practice Islam.”
And about her denouncing Islam she says:
“I moved from the world of faith to the world of reason.”

Now after this long introduction, which I thought necessary, I would like to talk about the book itself. This book was one of few books that took only four days for me to finish. And this is a very short time considering all the other chores I had. I simply couldn’t part from it. It was like a thriller, a fiction with all of its twists and turns of action, yet, it was real. At times I felt angry, at other times I felt sad. While at some times I felt admiration for a woman who escaped an arranged marriage, a brutal society, and sought asylum in a country; penniless. And from scrubbing floors she raised to a member of the parliament. Her insistency to continue her education and get a masters degree in Political Science with all the hardship that she faced was really an inspiration. She was a woman, or rather a black woman in a white society, all alone, and she made it to the top. She did not forget her kin, nor forgot her roots; rather, she made it her case. This case that risked her security and privacy, as well as the loss of her friend, movie director Theo van Gogh, as a result of a joint work in a 10 min movie “Submission”.

This is the film, but please watch it after iftar if you are fasting.

And this is what she said about that film:
“ When I approached Theo to help me make “Submission”, I had three messages to get across. First, men, and even women, may look up and speak to Allah: it is possible for believers to have a dialogue with God and look closely at Him. Second, the rigid interpretation of Quran in Islam today causes intolerable misery for women. Through globalization, more and more people who hold these ideas have traveled to Europe with the women they own and brutalize, and it is no longer possible for Europeans and other Westerners to pretend that severe violations of human rights occur only far away. The third message is the film’s final phrase: ”I may no longer submit.” It is possible to free oneself- to adapt one’s faith, to examine it critically, and to think about the degree to which that faith is itself at the root of oppression.”

The book is also very educational for us Kuwaiti women who are new into politics. Now if you think that I said too much about this book, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

This book made me think, isn’t it time for us women within the boundaries of terror to speak up? Haven’t we had enough atrocities in Sharee3a courts that legalizes women slavery?
And you men, you too, haven’t you had enough of deprivation of your personal rights? Can’t you see that there is something wrong when your freedom of normal living and loving life is reduced to the boundaries of your rooms? Isn’t it time you speak up before your executioner lashed his last lethal stroke on your bodies? Can’t you see how many Moslems are migrating to the West for a fresh air of freedom? Is this the solution? How many of us can afford that? What about those who can’t afford it? And why should we leave in the first place?
What are we waiting for? What are we afraid of? Being labeled as outcasts in the society? What is this price compared to the highest, most noble goal of freedom?

Isn’t it time to move from the world of faith to the world of reason?

24 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. carly
    Sep 25, 2007 @ 12:11:05

    There is a lot to comment on here! Firstly, I want to say that I am in NO way discounting or minimizing the particular suffering of this person; it is terrible to be mistreated under the banner of any pretext. Secondly, though, I know that it is VERY easy for anyone today to get published if they are writing about ‘why I am not a Muslim’. The west, in particular the US, is hungry to gain full support of demonizing Islam and the Muslims; it just makes it easier to do what they want to do.
    While I know that the Muslims make themselves wonderful fodder for criticism and blame, the situation is far more complex just pointing a finger at a religion. As for saying that ‘Saudi Arabia is where the religion is best and most purely practiced’, I surely do not agree with that! Islam is not a pick and choose kind of thing. One cannot implement part of the shariah, like cutting off the hand of the thief if there is a real need for what is stolen, say food. And the stoning issue is again mispracticed. There cannot be capital punishment if there are not 4 reliable eyewitnesses to the actual penetration! And then the punishment would be for both the man and the woman.Which basically makes this a moot point, a lesson before an act, as it were. Also, the FGM is a cultural practice which is horrible, never-the-less but also equally practiced by Christians and other tribal groups.
    As usual with books such as this, there is enough truth mixed in as to confuse, confound, and disgust the reader into thinking:”I knew those Muslims were awful folks”!
    Also, as per usual there is a vast void of Muslims who are speaking out to show the world otherwise, for those who are truly practicing their faith are not doing so to be in the spotlight.And often those clamoring for the spotlight are not doing so for altruistic reasons.
    I agree that there are way too many cultural abnormalities that are mixed into Muslim countries’ practices that are harmful though. It is disgusting to see. Truly. And I do wish that what ‘Muslim’ countries would take to emulate from the west would be the best aspects of it, not just the fashion, greed, and lust. I think, though, that the only way for a true awakening for the Muslims will have to come from a return, reexamination, and application of the faith in its entirety: faith, practice, and spirituality, and not its abnegation.


  2. حمودي
    Sep 25, 2007 @ 15:12:32



  3. AyyA
    Sep 27, 2007 @ 09:50:06

    Regardless of what is US’s political aim, the fact that a writer can publish in the US while she can’t even voice her opinion in her country of birth is enough to attest that freedom under Islamic states is a myth. And when the same problems are akin to a group of people that share nothing but Islam in common, then there must be something wrong with their belief system. The most countries that apply pure Islam, as far as I know, are Saudi Arabia and Iran. Whatever the interpretation, application is the benchmark. Moslems who live in the West, imagine an Islamic utopia, while reality bites that ones who live under this brutal system. Watch this documentary please, this is the first clip , the rest of the documentary is on the sidebar. And let’s not find excuses for Islam because we have exhausted them all. Islam is a political system that was based on expansionism since the prophet’s time. It’s a way of life, if it was only a personal matter as you preserve it, then we wouldn’t have faced the problems we are facing today.

    Inta nice 😀


  4. Ben Adhem
    Sep 27, 2007 @ 16:58:11

    Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!)
    Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
    And saw, within the moonlight in his room,
    Making it rich, and like a lily bloom,
    An Angel writing in a book of gold;
    Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
    And to the presence in the room he said,
    “What writest thou?” The vision raised it’s head,
    And with a look made of all sweet accord,
    Answered, “the names of those who love the Lord”,
    “And mine is one?” said Abou. “Nay, not so”,
    Replied the Angel. Abou spoke more low,
    But cheerly still; and said, “I pray thee, then,
    Write me as one that loves his fellow men”.
    The Angel wrote, and vanished. The next night
    It came again with a great wakening light,
    And showed the names who love of God had Blest,
    And lo! Ben Adhem’s name led all the rest.


  5. AyyA
    Sep 28, 2007 @ 06:16:37

    Ben Adhem
    Nice poem and carries a noble message.
    Only I’d change “Angle” to “Elf”


  6. randalljones
    Sep 30, 2007 @ 07:24:14

    It’s interesting to note that Ayaan Hirsi Ali blames Saudi Arabia for the spread of fundamentalism, but she leaves out that the United State, Britain, and other democracies funded and collaborated with Muslim extremists.
    In other words, there is a deep and bitter irony in the West’s current claims to be standing up to evil religious sects in the name of universal values. It was precisely the West’s earlier disregard for secularism and democracy in the Middle East, its elevation of its own powerful interests over the needs and desires of local populations, which helped to give rise to a layer of apparently “evil” radical Islamism. What we have today is not a World War between a principled West and psychotic groups from “over there,” but rather the messy residue of decades of Western meddling in the Middle East.
    complete article at

    Those who want to protest Saudi Arabia’s human rights record should demand that the United States stop accepting the trillions of dollars of investment money from the Saudis. But this is never discussed amongst activists because money is more important than human rights.

    By the way FGM is practically nonexistent in Saudi Arabia, so if it is the Saudis who are leading the way on how Islam is practiced, why haven’t Somalia and other Muslim countries stopped this practice?


  7. randalljones
    Sep 30, 2007 @ 07:35:25

    Regarding Afghanistan, it has been said by Zbigniew Brzezinski, that the United States had interfered in Afghanistan’s to give the Soviet Unione it s “Vietnam.”

    This is what RAWA ( Revolutionary Association of Afghan Women) said about the United States’ involvement in the Afghan-Russian war:

    ” The USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and occupied the country throughout the 1980s. The CIA hired the Mujaheddin (soldiers of God) to expunge the Communists from Afghanistan. The Mujaheddin were trained by Pakistan’s Interservices Intelligence Directorate, and funded and armed by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Egypt, France, Britain, Israel, Iran, Japan, and China. The U.S. spent $5 billion to support the rebels during the 1980s, and used Osama bin Laden, then an ally of the U. S ., to help recruit non-Afghan Muslims to the Mujaheddin.

    RAWA has pointed out that there were several democratic-minded groups the U.S. and other countries could have supported if they had wanted to drive out the Communists and help restore independence to Afghanistan. Why did these countries instead back the fundamentalist Mujaheddin? RAWA member Sajeda told Said lt magazine in August that pro-democracy groups would have refused to act as “puppets” for other countries, and would have made it difficult for those countries to “maintain their economic and political interests in Afghanistan.”

    When the Soviet Union withdrew its army in 1989, the Mujaheddin, under the command of the despotic Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, and still funded by the U.S., began shelling Afghanistan’s cities, killing thousands of civilians. After the Soviet’s puppet regime collapsed in 1992, the country was seized by civil war. Tens of thousands of civilians were killed in rocket attacks. The Mujaheddin stopped women from working and attending health courses sponsored by non-government organizations (NGOs). Amnesty International reported that armed groups beat, raped, and murdered women in their homes. Young women were kidnapped as wives for commanders or sold into prostitution. Some committed suicide to avoid this fate, like one young woman who threw herself off a balcony in her house when soldiers came to kidnap her. In March 1994, a 15-year-old girl was repeatedly raped after soldiers killed her father for allowing her to go to school. Many people were victimized for belonging to a certain religious or ethnic group.”


  8. randalljones
    Sep 30, 2007 @ 07:37:15

    I forgot to put the link for that quote about RAWA


  9. Elizabeth / MitzvahMom
    Sep 30, 2007 @ 18:53:47

    I found your review of Infidel and your comments very interesting, and consistant with my own observations. I would value your review of my own research and comments on the subjects raised by Ali at my blog:


  10. AyyA
    Sep 30, 2007 @ 20:16:11

    It is always easy to point a finger at others for all our misfortunes as if we are free of faults. No one agrees with US foreign policy, not even the American people. But this is beside the point, so let’s not mix our cards here. We are talking about the dogmas of Islam and its narrow views of human rights. And as for FGM nonexistent in Saudi Arabia, this is an underestimation, and although this practice came with the pagan religions before Islam, there are Islamic traditions of the prophet that approve it, yet most Moslems believe that these traditions are weak, and that’s why it is not practiced widely in Saudi Arabia, or other Islamic states. But let’s not forget that there are others in the Islamic countries, including the Gulf area, who strongly believe in those traditions and still apply it, be it discretely, we can’t overlook this fact.
    That clip I presented shows the status of Moslem women in Afghanistan today. Aside from politics now. The Islamic social system equip women to be house wives, child bearers and slaves to their husbands. Islam based its social system on the hunter-gatherer mentality. There are lots of traditions of the prophet and verses in Quran that emphasize this, so please let’s not be picky in choosing only the ones that supposedly perserve women’s dignity.
    Polishing a withered shoe will do
    But it won’t create anew
    If those Afghan widowers were properly educated to practice a trade that insured their independence, would they have resorted to begging in the streets of Kabul today after twenty years of conflict?

    I would gladly do that as soon as I find time.


  11. randalljones
    Sep 30, 2007 @ 21:03:01


    I know there has to be reform in reinterpreting Islam and their are Muslims that are doing this, but we can not ignore the decades of bombings and violence that has been going on in Afghanistan. It is not just females that have not been properly educated, but also the vast majority of males have not gone to school either.

    Look at Iraq, women were progressing, even before Saddam Hussein. Ever since the two invasions, the sanctions and occupation by the U.S., womens rights have been set back.

    To tackle a problem you must tackle all factors that contributed to it. Those living in Muslim countries have their activists who are doing their best to reform Islam and improve human rights. Those of us living in Western democracies have to do something about military interventions by the Untied States , Britian and their allies. We in the west are at advantage because we live in democracies and have freedom of speech. But we haven’t used those freedoms to stop destructive foreign policies.


  12. AyyA
    Sep 30, 2007 @ 22:11:08

    Those activists who are trying to reform Islam, are forgetting the fact that Islam can’t be reformed. Quran calls those Monafiqeen, the ones who take parts of their religion and leave other parts. Islam is a totalitarian belief; take it as a whole and you have no right to leave it. And although I appreciate their efforts, mainstream Moslems don’t. To do that, you’d probably have to create a new religion. You mentioned that the ones living in the West have the freedom of speech, and that’s because you are not governed by Islamic laws. The ones in the Islamic states live under its laws, and freedom of speech is not permitted when it comes to criticizing religion and trying to reform it. You can’t even separate state and mosque, in doing so, you are demolishing the core of Islam.


  13. randalljones
    Sep 30, 2007 @ 22:44:58


    If there are Muslims who believe Islam can be reformed why discourage them?

    The United States provides freedom of speech to its own citizens but why has it denied this freedom to people in other countries? The United States goes around preaching human rights and democracy, yet it engages in regime change and supporting brutal dictators and kings who do its bidding. Th U.S. has done this not only in the Middle East, but also Africa, Asia and South America.

    There are Western activists who are trying to change this. Would you say to them it can’t be done because the United States does what is in its interest no matter who gets hurt; that is always how is has been done and it will not change unless we create a different government?


  14. AyyA
    Oct 01, 2007 @ 01:39:32

    Why do you keep bringing the US into this argument? Before having democracy you have to educate people of their rights. If Islam does not believe in human rights, not even individual rights, how can it accept democracy? Look at the democratic Iraq and Palestine and judge for yourself, why did they drastically fail? Democracy is a curse without the instilment of human rights in its practitioners. And if I want to create a new religion, then what do I need the old for? And why should I call it Islam?
    The more logical approach would be to destroy Islam, and build a nation that respects and values its individuals. Then, and only then we could fight the US and others for our rights.


  15. randalljones
    Oct 03, 2007 @ 01:34:26


    I bring up the United States because I live in the U.S. and I am assuming you do too.

    I don’t think it is for us to tell Muslims or people of any other religion or atheists what to do in their country, especially when we have killed many of their people and destroyed much ot their property.

    The United States had democracy at its birth. Yet there was slavery, women were treated as property, and there was persecution of religious and racial minorities. It took a long time to develop human rights and it was not done by foreigners bombing and occupying the country.


  16. AyyA
    Oct 03, 2007 @ 05:27:26

    I do live in the United States but I’m not an American. One reason why I left my own country was because I could not tolerate its unjust system. I have the right to ask for reform, and I have the right to be treated like a human being, and not as a half citizen. If Justus prevailed in our countries, would anyone of us have thought of leaving? You could argue that this is politics, but I see no difference between the two in Islamic states. And mind you, I’m not so keen about the States politics in changing other nations, yet, it seems there is no hope for us except with its intervention. The only problem I see is that the Americans do not understand our mentalities, and our twisted ideologies of human rights. Democracy is a wishful thinking in these states. And enforcing it in a place that was saturated for years in ignorance would bear nothing but destruction. Corruption is not akin to a certain nation, but when it’s backed up and legalized by religion, then nothing can be done about it. If you live in the State, you could feel how much its people, especially the Republican are trying to go against its secular constitution. And if this happened one day, you’d probably see a Christian nation not much different than those of the medieval ages.


  17. randalljones
    Oct 04, 2007 @ 23:18:55

    AyyA, you wrote, “I have the right to ask for reform, and I have the right to be treated like a human being, and not as a half citizen”

    Yes, and those who live in the developing world have a right to self-determination and not to have bombs dropped on their families and homes.

    AyyA, you wrote this, “Democracy is a wishful thinking in these states. And enforcing it in a place that was saturated for years in ignorance would bear nothing but destruction.”

    This is a condescending attitude. Some think those who live in America are ignorant.

    Ayya, you wrote “…I’m not so keen about the States politics in changing other nations, yet, it seems there is no hope for us except with its intervention.”

    It sees that the Muslim world is suffering from too much intervention from America. In my previous comments, I have already mentioned and linked to an article about the damage it has done in Afghanistan. In 1953, The United States had overthrown the democratically elected government of Iran and put in its place the puppet Shah. The United States fueled the Iran-Iraq war by providing false intelligence and selling weapons to both sides. The United States helped Saddam Hussein into power and supported him, financially and strategically when he was committing his worst atrocities. Without U.S. support the royal house of Saud would have been gone a long time ago.
    Here( ) is more about the relationship of the U.S. and Muslim world. I’ll just quote part of it here.

    ”…there is a deep and bitter irony in the West’s current claims to be standing up to evil religious sects in the name of universal values. It was precisely the West’s earlier disregard for secularism and democracy in the Middle East, its elevation of its own powerful interests over the needs and desires of local populations, which helped to give rise to a layer of apparently “evil” radical Islamism. What we have today is not a World War between a principled West and psychotic groups from “over there,” but rather the messy residue of decades of Western meddling in the Middle East.”


  18. DanDoon
    Dec 22, 2007 @ 04:06:05

    *sniff* lool that was very touching and beautiful
    the youtube link however,doesnt seem to work! :0 i’ll try to look for it somewhere


  19. AyyA
    Dec 22, 2007 @ 12:40:31

    LOL DanAoon
    It seems like you’ve been hopping around my blog lately, welcome dear: mi casa es tu casa.
    As for youtube, this is the second incident I face this week, I guess it’s time to stop dealing with them. I reloaded the same clip from google video, you can watch it now, and thanks for passing by. Hope that you’d find other posts that appeal to you, as they say; like minds always meet 🙂


  20. PescatarianSchmescatarian
    Jan 09, 2008 @ 17:53:53

    I might be wrong, but I have said this before, I am so sure that Ayaan lived in Kuwait for some time I so remember her on the schoolbus and in school. I wish someone would/could confirm this. If it was her, she was at Al-Nouri English School way back in the 80’s..around 85/86/87. She lived in Ahmadi not too far away from where I lived then.


    • Ihab Said
      Jul 21, 2014 @ 12:19:20

      Hi, I was also born in Kuwait … I lived in Ahmadi and went on the bus to Fahaheel.
      I vaguely remember Ayan, but not sure.
      What is your real name?
      To confirm who I am, I was a student when Mrs. Innis was Headmistress and then when Mr. Oldfield became Headmaster.
      I had Mr. Oldfield as a teacher in Junior 2 and then Mr. Annis in Junior 3 – Ms. McCoy in Junior 4 till she was kicked out and then Mrs. Wanczieski for the rest of the year. 1986.
      Anyway, hope to hear from you soon.


  21. Mohammed
    Mar 26, 2010 @ 11:57:38

    Its non-sense, the book is non-sense, it tells people disobey your parents, disobey your community, disobey your religion, and do whatever you want, people before judging a religion everybody should read about it, learn about it, Islam dignifies the female same as the male, and the borders that are on the female are there to protect her, read more about Islam, read more about the Arabs, then read this book to see how its just papers of non-sense, and the good Arabs and good Muslims do not say “She’s ugly, she’s disobedient, she’s a whore – she’s sleeping with a Jew.” as Islam forbids this, and who ever treat people like this will be punished by Allah. People please read about Islam before saying anything, and i assure you will see it in a different way.
    here is a website about prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him)
    and am not going to say our prophet because he is all nations’ prophet
    hope i am giving a good picture of Islam and Muslims
    Peace be upon you


    • AyyA
      Mar 27, 2010 @ 05:53:05

      “hope i am giving a good picture of Islam and Muslims”
      Oh yes, you are giving a perfect picture of your jealous God who does not like competition, especially when you said “and am not going to say our prophet because he is all nations’ prophet”


  22. Mustafa
    Apr 02, 2011 @ 02:00:15

    Thanks a lot for the information. The reason I am here today is I watched a TV program in aljazeera “frost over the world” which invited Ayaan Hirsi. She was very critical about Islam and knowledgeable at the same time, and I started to google her who she is then I ended up to your blog. It is realy strange for a woman to come to one of the world’s most watched tv and talk against islam, the religion she belongs to. I admired her.

    I used to live in saudi arabia and lebnan, and now am in uk. The western culture is very careful about human rights, dignity, duty and rights equality, democracy etcc regardless their foreign policy. I am enjoying it these good words which I lacked it in my own country thanks be to God and the UK. Now from my own perspective and from my experience Islam and culture of the west is in two different ends of a line and the line is broken in the middle. I am not going to describe it more than this. Regarding racism as a black person suffered a lot, I ronicaly my friend hussain (not real name) from lebnan started to say, the british are racist, i know where the true racism is based and didnt talk to him but i send this link and he was surprised,


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